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Small Pantry Organization

5 Tips for Small Pantry Organization & Space Optimization

Transforming a cramped pantry into an organized space is easier than you think with Store-It by your side. We delve into the world of small pantry organization, offering you practical tips and hacks to maximize every inch of your space. Whether you’re dealing with a tiny apartment pantry or just trying to make the most of limited kitchen storage, Store-It is here to guide you through optimizing your pantry setup.

Small Pantry Organization

Tips for Small Pantry Organization 

If you’re like most people and have multiple kitchen drawers or cabinets, it can be hard to know which ones to use for certain things. We’ll share our tips on how best to organize your pantry so that everything has its place. There are plenty of ways to organize your pantry for all of your kitchen items to fit.

Consider Every Open Space as an Option for Storage & Get Creative 

If you have cabinet space above your sink, we recommend using it to store extra items that don’t fit in the pantry. Your kitchen may have specific tools or goods which can be stored here when not being used so they’re close by but out of sight – perfect for saving countertop space. If there’s room below ground level as well then this is another good location for large pots/pans because nothing will bump them off their perch atop one shelf after another.

Install a Pull-Out Pantry 

Kitchen remodeling is often an expensive and time-consuming process, but there are other options for expanding your space without having to tear up the floor. A great way of adding new storage in a cost-effective manner will be purchasing a pull-out pantry. These handy cabinets slide open with ease so you can store all types of cooking supplies or spices. They also come in different sizes depending on how much room you have available inside your kitchen. In addition, these units blend into any layout seamlessly enough that it doesn’t block anything else such as countertops, refrigerators, or doorways. 

Keep a Handle on Food Storage Containers 

Storing your food in an organized fashion will allow you to easily find what’s needed, when it is needed. Stacked shelves are great for maximizing space and providing quick access; however make sure that delicate items like spices don’t fall off the bottom because they might break upon impact with a hard surface. We also recommend placing empty containers on raised platforms if possible since these pose less risk than those at ground level.

Group Your Pantry Items 

How many times have you walked into your kitchen, opened the pantry door and felt overwhelmed? It’s enough to make anyone not want to take a step inside again. We all know how important our pantries are – so why not make them useful?! Store items in categories and groups so your kitchen items are easy to find. When putting new items into the pantry it will be easy to find where they should be placed. Here are some categories you can use to organize your pantry space:

  • Cans
  • Pasta/Grains
  • Bread/Rolls
  • Breakfast Food
  • Snacks
  • Spices
  • Bottles/Beverages

Stack When You Can 

The secret to a tidy pantry is in the shelves. If your cupboard has enough space between them, stack up kitchen supplies and place large objects at bottom. Then stack lighter ones on top until everything fits or turn certain items on their sides so they can fit if necessary (anything that doesn’t fit goes onto another shelf). There’s no need for extra stuff that isn’t able be neatly stored anywhere else – just make sure you’ve got plenty of room before filling it with goods again.

Keep Your House Organized with Store-It In Halethorpe, MD

Store all of your extra household supplies at Store-It in Halethorpe, MD. Our storage facility has a wide variety of storage units for monthly rentals at affordable rates. We offer a range of temperature controlled storage units along with parking for large vehicles such as RVs and boats. If you are a first time renter, and are unsure about which storage unit to rent, check out our storage calculator. We have monitored gated access and digital recorded cameras to ensure that your belongings remain safe while in storage. Don’t wait any longer and rent with Store-It in Halethorpe, MD today!

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Katie Mest

About the Author: Katie Mest is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors and snuggling in with a crochet project and her cat, Billie.