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How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths

How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths

Are clothes moths still getting into your belongings? It’s time to get rid of the pests once and for all. Store-It will guide you through identifying and removing clothes moths from your home, so you no longer have to worry about them returning to your precious clothing items. 

How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths

How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths

Identifying Clothes Moths 

As the clothes moth infestation grows you probably begin to notice them more and more however it is important to identify exactly where they are located. Clothes moths are attracted to specific fabrics found in clothing items such as wool, animal fur, and cashmere. If your space has other items such as blankets, comforters, rugs, or drapes that are made out of the fabrics listed, they are also at risk of being infested by moths. Dark and humid environments are perfect for clothes moths to inhabit so be sure to fully examine your room especially if it has poor lighting. If you are still unsure about where the clothes moths are located and need more information on how to identify them, click here

Cleaning Your Space 

Cleaning your storage space is the next step in removing the clothes moths. As you examine your belongings, check for items with clothes moths attached to them or items with holes in them chewed by the moths. These items should be thrown away. Other items that can still be used should be washed. Clothes moths can breed very rapidly so you must wash your salvageable items soon. If your space has a rug or carpet, clear a path to vacuum and sweep to remove the excess dirt and dust. Also, wipe down the flat surfaces in the room. Clothes moths are less likely to infest your belongings if your storage space is clean. 

Clothes Moths Prevention 

To keep the clothes moths out for good, there are some preventive measures that you should take. Using airtight bins and containers to store your items is a great way to limit clothes moths access to your belongings. Items that will not be used for a long period of time should be stored in the bins. In addition, this will consolidate space and make your room look even cleaner. Set a schedule to regularly vacuum and sweep the room. If you do notice any clothes moths on your belongings, remove the items from the room and wash them if salvageable. Installing lighting and ensuring the room is ventilated will contribute to a moth-free storage environment. you have to maintain a clean space. 

Store It in Halethorpe, MD 

If you don’t want to worry about clothes moths ever infesting your belongings, store your items at Store It in Halethorpe, MD. Our online rental process allows you to reserve your storage unit online and finish the rental process over the phone with our storage experts. Our facility offers a variety of amenities and units to meet your storage needs. Whether you are looking for short-term or long-term storage, we have you covered. We offer temperature-controlled storage, indoor units, and parking for your vehicles.

Our storage calculator can assist you with determining the best storage unit size for your belongings. At Store It, we are committed to keeping your belongings safe and want to ensure that they are packed properly while in storage. Our site offers extra supplies such as packing tape, mattress covers, locks, and boxes. Check out our storage tips to learn more about packing your items safely. Visit Store It in Halethorpe, MD, and reserve a unit today!

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Katie Mest

About the Author: Katie Mest is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors and snuggling in with a crochet project and her cat, Billie.